Books tagged "climate"

I quite enjoyed this book; but it's probably not for everyone. Losada has an engaging and friendly style; extremely readable and enjoyable. The way she engages with the topic is pretty generous I think; perhaps the main criticism is that it's occasionally a bit too optimistic; but after all, that's basically what it promises on the cover! Overall, if you're looking for a bit of optimism and happiness, then take a glance! I'll definitely be trying to read more of her books :)

Amazing reading, ideas, and suggested actions for wildly revising how food is produced. I found this book particularly relevant because I have just started a new job that is in this space; but even otherwise it is a great, non-judgemental, and surprisingly inspiring, book about the climate crisis. It may even inspire you to start gardening :)

Absolutely extraordinary book. Extremely informative, powerful, emotional, inspiring, and poetic. I was struck at first by the amazing writing (which comes across really well in translation, I think, not that I've read the original ...), but stayed for the amazing story-telling and information about various illegal practices in Brazil.
It's really an impressive piece of work, I can highly recommend it, but do note that it is also, in parts, quite traumatic. Still; one of those books that you feel sad when it ends; well worth reading!

I quite liked this. It's a nice discussion of climate activism and the general connection between activism and resistance. It leaves a lot of food for thought about what is necessary in order to make people change their behaviours. A great, short, thoughtful, and inspiring read.

This book will always have a special place in my heart now, given that it happened to be the book I was reading at the time our daughter arrived, and as a result I finished it by reading it to her in her first few days of being out and about :) That said, on it's own merit it is pretty good. I learned some interesting facts about glaciers; enjoyed learning about her life, and overall got inspired about this kind of career. Pretty good!

This book wasn't what I expected, but it was still quite interesting. It's seems to be me to be roughly a biography of this persons life in the social sector, but is also an exploration of a whole bunch of "alternative" programs that focus the particular communities, marginalised groups, and aim to find solutions from within those groups, rather than "fixing" them from the outside, with metrics and impact reports, etc. I think it's a great source of inspiration on that front, and has some relevance for a project I'm part of in the climate space. Definitely worth a glance!

I really enjoyed this one. It's a nice collection of short essays and writings on people motivated to work on the climate (and associated) crises; and it's inspiring to see so many people interacting so thoughtfully. Definitely recommend.

I love Nancy Campbell's writing style; so this one was already going to be enjoyable for me. But I did find it fun and informative. This book is also special because it's the first one than I've been reading to my partner and our little one, who is on her way :) ❤️

A truly exceptional piece of work. This book provided words and research behind the overall unease that I, and many others, feel towards so-called "green capitalism"; i.e. the idea that it's possible to make money in a growing economy while also "solving" the climate crisis. A must read for anyone interested in working in the climate space, in my view. Amazing.

I read this as part of a local climate-fiction book club. I think, really, it's my first excursion into climate fiction, so it's hard to judge the entire genre from this example. Overall I think I enjoyed it; it certainly had some nice moments. Interestingly, I got a lot out of subsequently reading the authors next book, "Scattered All Over the Earth"; it helped me understand the author a bit more, and how she writes.

Not bad. This book attempts to give some arguments about why we might want to consider a "post growth" world; i.e. one not ruled by standard capitalism; by driving for more business growth, more money, etc, etc. I think, sadly, it lacked a bit of detail and technical arguments. Perhaps as an entry point into the post growth literature it's pretty good; but you don't come away with lots of good arguments, or even many practical tips. I certainly don't regret reading it; and I'm sure I've got something out of it, but I wouldn't suggest you drop everything and read it now.

Really an exceptional bit of writing. Nancy has a perfect writing style, engaging, soft, thoughtful and provocative. It's a really collection of stories of her journey into cold places; and how she and others engage with them. I loved reading this, it filled me with warmth.

This is a stressful book. Overall I'm glad I read it; but I wasn't left feeling as motivated or excited as other books in this space. I'm not totally convinced in everything the author says, and I think occasionally it lacks a bit of tact, but I do think it's full of very valuable and useful information, and I think his attitudes and feelings are totally understandable. It does contain nice advice for what to do personally; but it's probably not the best book to read if you're feeling a bit anxious.

Just exceptional. I've not read another book that does so well at explaining different timescales and ways to communicate the impact of the climate crisis. Done in a very engaging poetic style; this book really motivated me to learn much more details and start to make a change. Overall a very enjoyable, rewarding, and inspiring reading experience!

This gives a good selection of arguments and positions about why, naturally, it's not simply enough for policy makers and activists to focus on "net-zero" policies for carbon, but in fact we need to totally abolish fossil fuels. It makes a very strong argument, and is really quite good reading. Highly recommended!

I really loved this book. I think it's interesting for a few reasons. One is that I haven't read many books where an autistic person is describing their feelings and experiences. It's really interesting to learn. Another part that really impacted me was his discussion of how young people are being forced to be more active and outspoken, but, ultimately, are excluded from important decision making, and that adults praise them, but inevitably continue doing whatever they were doing before. That comment hit me quite strongly, and I'm not sure what to do about it yet. Overall, an exceptional read, and will help you appreciate nature!
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