Old Path White Clouds - Cover
Thich Nhat Hanh
Published by Parallax Press, 1991
Pages 600
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Old Path White Clouds: Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha

Written by Thich Nhat Hanh, of "How To Walk, How To Love, How To Eat, ..." fame, this is quite a large book but nevertheless, very engaging. Consisting of several stories related to the life of the "historical" Buddha. I think this book is a particularly good entrypoint to this particular variant of Buddhist writing: namely stories that have a bit of magical character, but also attempt to be somewhat historical accuracy. One thing I found particularly interesting was to learn that early Buddhism, in this telling, was quite sexist. I really appreciated this detail being included; it helped me see that Buddhism, much like any approach, isn't perfect and needs a process of self-correction; which in my interpretation it does have. Overall, I loved this book. It's simple, easy, reading, has some nice messages and stories. But it's certainly not full of practical advice for mindfulness, but if you're keen on that you can you can check out the authors many other offerings!